Videogame to Film adaptation
They all suck. So far. And yes the new Mortal Kombat movie kinda sucks as well. The best game adaptation film I've seen might be a Taiwanese game/film called Devotion.

What game do you think might make a good adaptation if the makers actually stick to the story? Remember there's only 90-120 min of screen time for these projects.

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I would love to see a good super Mario

A favorite was It Came From The Desert... the game was awesome for its time but the film adaptation was disappointing.

Mortal Kombats have been alright, the latest was pretty good, not great but did enjoy it.

I know a bunch of non game content has already been done for it and its a pretty basic take, but I still think a theatrical release of Halo based story would kill. I think if they dont purely cater it towards fans of the game it could find a pretty big audience.

Wouldnt even need to follow the chief. Theres obviously so much source material they could pull from. The Halo Landfall trailer was a cool indication of what a liveaction Halo series/film could feel like. Didn't actually mind the Forward Unto Dawn mini series but felt it was a bit too teeny.

well dota on netflix i don't know the story yet, but I love watching the animator works on their storyboards

I would absolutely love to see any of the Infamous games, especially with how they would handle the special effects.

I'm scared but excited for the Metal Gear movie ; - ;