Videogames that are due a remake
Now that they've started remaking PS1 games and the like, I'd kill for a Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver update, or something from the Twisted Metal Series. Those were my favourite games way back when and the world building in LoK was particularly top notch. I'd be excited to see what they could do with it given next-gen graphics.
What else should they update?

Maybe Devil May Cry 1 & 2. I still like 1 and feel it holds up just as well today but it's definitely has it's quirks in the Resident Evil shell it originated from. Frankly I'd just really want to have 2 remade on it's own considering how rough that game is, but it'd be odd just to remake 2. So do 1 & 2, possibly with the current RE engine,and you'd have 2 titles that seamlessly lead straight into the current formula of practically perfected character action  of Devil May Cry 3.

Advanced wars from GBA, and Nintendo DS.

Musashi, from PS2 would be great, but will never happen.

Prince of Persia from PS2 too.

Thinking again, just remade most of PS2 era. That was a great era.

I would love to see the Legacy of Kain series make a comeback.  They were so much fun.  I just recently found a version of the original top down Legacy of Kain and plowed through it.h   oh nostalgia.