Virus mutation in Britain
How comes that Europe is so unlucky, while China apparently doesn't have such complications ? Does it worry you

China’s initial handling of the outbreak was sketchy for sure, however when it’s come to quarantine measures after that first few months, they have been a lot stricter than Europe. Chinese population is generally a lot more respectful of the prevention measures (they don’t really have antimaskers or anti-lockdown protests like in the West), and if they do, their government doesn’t hold back in disciplining that.

So yeah, a lot of Europe has enjoyed a lot more freedom, and this has inevitably resulted in more virus transmission and thus more mutations unfortunately.

Europe handed it badly, in the first few weeks of the virus, when Italy had the worst infection rate, flights were still coming into the UK, and people arriving were not even checked, nor were did they quarantine.

The british government focused more on filling their own pockets with money, than they did on containing the virus

Its not unlucky at all. Europe has a more diverse spectrum of people that were allowed to interact while sick which led to mutations. Even before the lockdowns, people in china dont regularly fly between the coast to the interior of the country regularly.

I am telling you man, China made the virus, they know what tf is up, they aren't worried about anything. If you know what is coming then it means that you know how to prepare and that is exactly what China did. It is no coincidence that they are the only people who have benefited from the coronavirus economically.

well that just feels a bit tinfoiley, but hey to each his own i guess

It not like anyone is unlycky with coronavirus being mutated. It's a RNA virus which is mutating on average 1-2 times a month. All doctors know or should know that. It's a basic knowledge about viruses which you can find in any medical textbook about virusology...

It's purely luck. So yeah, it just so happens Europe got it.

Heard in the news that the virus have a much more higher possibility to infect children.