Want to start renting space for shoots
I've read that there's good money in providing areas for porn sets - renting a space for a couple days or a week to film some shoots to a studio.

I'm in the right area and I have some good property for it, but I'm not sure how to advertise? 

Has anyone ever done this? What do I need to watch out for besides general security?

I would google what you want. Bear in mind that you need to be within a realtively short drive of a porn studio's office, so that they don't have excessive travel costs. Make sure they bring their own generators for electricity (they'll fuck your electric bill if you let them), make sure they're insured (and prove it), and make them clean everything up when they're done, or charge them a large separate cleaning fee so that you can actually clean up. And work only with large established studios. The industry is dirty and will fuck you over if you let them.

If you have questions, google guys that have let porns shoot on their property. And maybe talk to the porn actors union, they can tell you some shit.

But if I were you, I'd only advertise for genuine film shoots, and not porn film shoots. Regular film/tv studios are legit and you can get some good rental income there. Porn studios are dirty by definition.