Hello, just wondering if anyone actually played Warframe in the later years after it's release? (now) 
I recently quitted the game, it's literally just rinse and repeat endless grinding and it tires me out till the point that I can fall asleep on my keyboard after 10mins of 1 button tap room clearning grinding.
Also, any founders here?


Endgame is still pretty much the same, grind all you can till you till you physically can't anymore

I've grinded so hard till I no longer even want new frames. I literally log in to play about 2 maps and logoff LMAO

I was a founder, but I haven't touched the game in a few years. I miss the parkour and excessive fashion. I also remember the community being wholesome as hell, it was great. maybe ill go back to play some content ive missed.

[+] 1 user Likes finitesource's post
I definitely respect the hell out of the studio that runs Warframe, but the game itself doesn't really hold my interest

[+] 1 user Likes Wrangler's post
I'm glad I actually gained traction from a founder. You should go check it out actually. The things they've added are actually fun except the host migration shit and it's still there. All in all the community is still helpful doe

Used to hold my my interest, grinded the game for 2 years straight like it was the only game I played back then. Yeah the Warframe devs are bunch of hardworking peeps sadly there are the bunch of people in the community who keeps on complaining

Yup basically still sort of a Grindy game

end game sucks. Still nothing to do. They do add events here and there but meh.