Weirdest non japanese tv you've ever seen
Everyone knows, Japan has some pretty wacky television, but I wonder, what the rest of you have seen out there. Bonus point if you link a vid!

I saw a while ago a movie about nothing. I gotta say, that nothing was pretty dull. The entire movie revolved around two guys that can remove anything they want at will and it was very boring. I am interested in what you think and what anime or non anime you watched that you thought was really weird? i personally am a wacky person so i rarely have complaints about American or Japanese tv. Let me know what your thoughts are in that matter.

There are the classic shows where people do stupid things as a challenge, but for example, a guy dressing up in a crocodile suit, then crawling on a beach to a real crocodile... then, shit hits the fan (which was to be expected).