What’s your favourite video game soundtrack?
Fifa 15
Assassins' creed

Furi has a great soundtrack for an indie game

Terriaria boss music lowkey slaps, honestly didnt notice it until someone mentioned it and its just so great.

Torn between Pokémon RSE and PMD Explorers

undertale never gets old

Far cry 5! It’s dope

I agree I love jamming out on rocket league

I really love the Persona 5 Soundtrack. It's so goddamn funky.

i love the skyrim/oblivion soundtracks

- tetris ofc

- puzzlequest
- myth 2 soulblighter
- stronghold + Stronghold Crusader

The Witcher 3

Soundtracks from Super Giant Games.

For me it's definitely bloodborne. It's very atmospheric, is especially like the Ludwig, the Accursed theme. I also like the Doom soundtrack. It just makes you feel like a badass

The doom soundtrack is by far my favorite.

tony hawkis my jam

Halo: Reach mf slapped

Iconic skyrim music hehe

I love the Undertale soundtrack

Bastion is the best.

rocket league for me