What’s your favourite video game soundtrack?
Mines gotta be the Nier Automata's soundtrack. Even tho I don't understand what the lyrics mean but the whole atmosphere of the soundtrack is just amazing

The Runescape soundtrack is good to get incredibly stoned to IMO.

Has to be the Halo series for me, soo many great scores that set the scene and contribute to the aura of the games.

Zelda breath of the wild

i think the Kens Rage from toei have a very good soundtrack

The music from Mario or Megaman games are my favourite.

Hotline Miami 1 and 2

listen to skyrim everytime I study

Zelda breath of the wild

Nier: Automata

Dark Souls 3. Especially the Boss OSTs

I didn't play undertale, but I listen to its soundtrack from time to time. It's the first thing that comes to my mind when I saw this question

Arkham Asylum is definitely one of my favorite soundtracks

Either Arkham Asylum, or Skyrim

Halo is a staple. CP2077  is actually pretty good too

Honestly, Ori and the blind forests soundtrack will always have a special place in my heart. Such an emotional game

Ngl Little Nightmares. It’s just something about the music for me it makes me feel a type of way.

Doom 2016 and doom eternal

GTA Vice City