What’s your first move if you see $1billion in your back account?
Confirm it’s not a mistake. Quit job if not mistake.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Easy pay off my debt then go on vacation and figure out what do I want to do with my life now that money doesn't matter.

Call the bank and figure out wtf is going on.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Buy things that hold value better. Property and so on. Don’t want to lose all that

Pay full price for candy at the movie theatre

Insure it mostly with sound investments. Once I get 2 billi then its off to mars bby

1. Call the Bank if its not a mistake
2. Split it between my Family
3. GTFO the Country and go anywhere I want (I really like travelling Big Grin )



destroy my enemies


I think everyone is forgetting that Uncle Sam will see you with that billion, and will want his cut, along with your respective state. That billion will be cut down to less than half of that in no time flat.

Pay off student debt, start a business, invest in real estate and stocks, and vacation

Withdraw it all in $1 bills

same as ya ahahah

I'd probably call the bank and ask if there was some kind of a mistake

>Withdraw it all in $1 bills
Assuming the Fed allows your bank to do that. Otherwise, the local police will find you and pull you over for having "drug money" and seize all of it.

quit my job, and move somewhere exotic!!

move it to another bank account lmfao

Buy some bitches, get a nice car and then kill myself (with the girls inside ofc)

Invest and buy some nice things

invest and live the rest of my life job free