What Game/Games are you looking forward to this year?
I think it would be nice to get a discussion going on the games we are most excited for this year. So let's hear it! 

What game(s) are you looking forward to this year and why?

For myself there a few I'm beyond excited for this year:

1. DOOM Eternal 
2. Final Fantasy 7 Remake
3. Destroy All Humans Remake
4. Cyberpunk 2077

Since there's a lot I'll try to keep the reasons brief and in order.

1a. I grew up playing Doom and have spent so many hours playing Brutal Doom on my laptop (I personally think playing that is far more fun that DOOM 2016). When 2016 came out I was blown away and fell in love with the game. It's clear that ID Software played it safe with the game after the announcement and footage for DOOM Eternal came out. They are clearly confident with the game they created and you can tell by Hugo Martin's talks about the game that he loves it. That said I'm psyched for this and I'm happy that so many original designs are returning like the Icon of Sin.

2a. Same as Doom I just grew up with this game as a kid. It's the first game I remember playing as a kid and I fell in love with it despite not knowing what to do lol Never got to leave Midgar let alone get to Shinra HQ. It's been a dream to see the remake happen and after playing the demo I know it's going to be an amazing experience. Also Jessie is just great B) 

3a. The original game was a ton of fun and I loved spending hours just going on a rampage. It's one of my favorite games so I just have to get the remake. They made some good improvements to the game in terms of gameplay and whatnot which is great, and using Ich Will by Rammstein for the announcement got me into Rammstein Tongue 

4a. I've always loved the cyberpunk genre and seeing the scale that CD Projekt Red is going for is astounding. My hopes for this game are high and I hope they manage to reach every height they are aiming for. It looks to be an experience like no other.

Sorry for the long post. That said let's hear what you guys are looking forward to!

[+] 1 user Likes HellishSlayer's post
Cyber Punk 2077
Mount and Blade 2
Wasteland 3

[+] 1 user Likes Enders's post
Cyberpunk, Torchlight 3

[+] 1 user Likes ghulaky123's post
Enders Wrote:Cyber Punk 2077
Mount and Blade 2
Wasteland 3
How is the first Mount and Blade? I've heard of it but don't really know anything about the game itself. And holy smokes I didn't realize Wasteland 3 is out this year. O_O

Ghost of tsushima

I was looking forward to pokemon mystery dungeon and so far it has not disapointed.

Animal crossing seems pretty fun. I never played the series but it looks it interesting.

The last of us 2 -
And Final Fantasy 7 remake

I really hope they enhance them for ps5.

[+] 1 user Likes Ark831's post
Dying Light 2 and Cyberpunk

[+] 1 user Likes Foodji's post
Last of us 2 and cyberpunk

Mount and Blade Bannerlord

Cyberpunk and Watch Dogs 3 are top of the list with Marvel Avengers coming close

Cyber Punk 2077
nioh 2

Surely Cyberpunk 2077 is on top of the list.
I'm looking forward to DOOM eternal too, which is coming in days!

[+] 1 user Likes mauleo97's post
FF7 Remake
Cyberpunk 2077
Last of Us 2
andd Ghost of Tsushima

T-Rex runner.......2

I am most looking forward to Resident Evil Remake 3, Nioh 2, The Wonderful 101 Remaster, Doom Eternal, and Cyberpunk.

I’m really excited for the FF 7 remake. I really enjoyed the original when I was younger.

cyberpunk is the one i look forward to

My personal favorite that I hope gets announced this year is Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2. Other than that, Doom Eternal was #1. We also got Cyberpunk and Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The year will be good for gaming as long as Corona Virus doesn't hamper release dates.