What MMOs and such do you play :3
*couldn't find a thread like this so if there is one i apologize for making a duplicate*

HI everyone ^ ^ !!!

so i was wondering what video game MMOs everyone plays? i know theres a few popular ones out there with characters we are attracted to.. so what are they hmmm?

i personally play Tera Rising and the occasional League of Legends.

PS: i only play free games so i wont be able to join anyone in a paid game ~n~ (so if you need free game suggestions i got tons)

I couldn't get into Genshin Impact but it's free, I play Among us, Heroes of the Storm and downloaded LoL to play ARAM with a friend but I'm not a fan.

Genshin Impact all the way

Im playing wow classic right now

Since two of you already mentioned Genshin Impact, i'll probably take a look at it.

Thanks for the recommendation

Was playing on a WoW private server for a bit (Tauri) then switched to retail last week. New World looks good and is coming out soonish.

Sorry i was never a fan of WoW