What Near-Future technology do you think will change the world?
This is a pretty straight forward one. By near future tech i mean like, stuff thats currently being worked on and is “possible” but not yet achieved to a desired degree. Stuff like carbon nano tubes, fusion power, lasers, railguns, superconducters, etc. Which do you think will have the greatest impact on the world? Personally i say superconductors. The applications are insane on their own from their insane energy efficiency to creating a cost effective way to store massive ammounts of power from grid surplus on kinetic batteries with minimal loss due to friction. This would almost certainly end the energy crisis and make solar and wind viable on their own.

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I'm majorly hyped for liquid breathing and the application of the smallest possible motor. Both will majorly accelerate society, one in space travel and oceanic exploration and the other in pretty much everything else.

Nuclear fission becoming a thing where it can just power nations.

When we can get to build our own Tesla Coils, so that we can generate our own power. Free energy in over-abundance = technological leaps and bounds very quickly.

Nuclear fusion