What Pisses You Off?
What pisses you off? Get specific and feel free to vent a little. 

People who take their sweet ass time when walking on the sidewalk. Some people have places to go so get the fuck out of the way!

Useless people at work.

Those fucking worthless homeless that decide to cross the street with their carts full of junk right as the light goes green, holding up traffic for everyone.

Also, fucking worthless beaner drivers. They're either super aggressive and cause accidents and apologize/claim they did nothing wrong, or they drive 15mph under the speed limit so they don't get pulled over, all the while traffic piles up behind them.

Drunk drivers and teenage parents @.@

when people dont pay attention to the smaller details

Stupid people who do and say stupid things

Wet /damp socks

Quote: teenage parents
We have separate high schools for teen parents. That's plural. And I'm not kidding. But way over 90% of them are Mexicans. I'm not even sure I've ever seen a white in those high schools. So make of that what you will.

That being said... it's normal over here for Junior High kids to have children. Normal. No one bats an eye anymore. And basically all of them are Mexican. It's rare for whites to get pregnant in Junior High here. When they do, the family takes care of them. Beaners, otoh, just go get health care and food stamps for the new kid, and then don't train their kids to stop fucking without condoms, or even control themselves generally.

>this is why you don't give illegals welfare or food stamps

Bad parenting

people chewing with their mouth open

Squeezing the toothpaste from the middle WHAT KIND OF PSYCHOPATH DOES THAT?!

spend first 10 credit and cant see the link coz of low contributor points. this makes me mad

When people chew loudly

[+] 1 user Likes bboy210's post
Quote:When people chew loudly

More of an annoyance for me than pissed, but yeah this is high up there.

Its more of a pet peeve but when people chew with their mouth open its disgusting

I agree with you

The credits on this site ;-;

people that are late on meetings