What You Grew Up Playing
For me, the first game I remember playing was Crash Bandicoot 2. I grew up playing mostly PS1 games with a bit of N64 and Game Boy games.
As I got older, I got into the PS2 and started branching out into games like Shadow of the Colossus, Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Solid 3, etc

Super Mario on the NES and Starfox on the SNES are the two I remember fondly! Ah, those were the days ?

First game was castlevania sotn on ps1.Great times

First game I ever played was Sonic the Hedgehog on the Genesis.

Remember growing up playing streets of rage for hours on end, simpler times

First game for me was Halo. Then I got into games like Star War Battlefront II, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventures, and all the MySims games. What a bunch of nostalgic games..

christmas morning 1997. super mario 64. the rest is history

Ratchet and clank 3, mgs, medal of honor.
And sonic riders.God I played so much of sonic riders.

N64 classics then PlayStation with nostalgia bait such as KH, Battlefront, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank.

My first game was Runescape. I remember role-playing dropping 300k gold in real life with my friends. Lol good times.

Socom combined assault on ps2 online

If i had to pick a certain game that i grew up playing it would be modern warfare 2. I used to come home everyday after school and get top of the leaderboards trying to get all of the attachments for my favorite weapons

world of warcraft and some destroy alll humans

Super Mario for the NES!

With friends, nothing beat a good Mario Kart or Mario Party night!

It's not the first game I ever played, but I remember Kirby Air Ride being my favorite game growing up. I might just get a game cube to play it again lol

God of war, Nfs most wanted, and assasins creed

Gta san andreas is scuh a good game

Gameboy Advance (and PS2). Yoshi's Island on road trips. GOOD STUFF.

Metroid Fusion? Fughetaboutit

Spyro and Halo, so happy both are on pc now, with better graphics