What are some good games for the nintendo switch?
Agree with everyone else that BOTW is an essential especially if you have link.

Monster hunter atm is pretty solid and once splatoon 3 comes out. i'm sure everyone gonna be on that again

Zelda Breath of wild

Smash all the way

Animal crossing

gotta go with mario odyssey

or smash bros

MH Rise has a lot of content

Not a game but there's Calculator on eShop and not gonna lie it's pretty good

i really recommend botw its extremely fun

botw hands down best game

I dunno i don't have a nintendo switch hahaha Big Grin

I think animal crossing and mario kart are great games

Monster Hunter Rise are pretty good

There are lots of good sodoku games on the ehop.
Also the sniper elite games are great

This is a great thread

Botw hands down

Is this the non-leaks section?

Smash Bros definitely

the estore has a really good selection of indie games, not as much as PC but plenty of gems in there that wont cost too much. a few recommendations would be blasphemous, hollow knight, axiom verge, unworthy and of course the best game ever made... dark souls

Zelda Breath of the Wild is a good pick