What are some good indoor activities to do in isolation?
Really run out of ideas, help

learning things on the internet is good, through covid i learned coding and some video editing

I learned some minor C++, intermediate Malay, and how to cook Kari Ayam, all online since this quarantine started

Learn how to program, or speak a langauge. Can still practice a new language online with other people, make new friends, learn about other cultures, et al.

Yoga. Low intensity yet good physical activity that will pay off if you keep it up.

Learning music or becoming more immersed in musical culture

[+] 1 user Likes sphynx123's post
Work out bruh get some gains even if its small gains

Read anything and everything. Write if you can. Come up with an indoor fitness routine. Build your first post-covid/return to some sort of normalcy vacation. Learn to play an instrument. Bake. Cook.

[+] 1 user Likes harolde157's post
Just workout as much as you can. Learn to invest your money

[+] 2 users Like joachimlee's post
Reading has practically saved me during the lockdown periods. Super therapeutic and time just flies when you're reading something you're interested in.

Reading books, especially '"classics" stuff that was shoved down our throats in highschool. Now that I'm older I can take my time and actually enjoy them.

[+] 1 user Likes trinidadRabbit's post
stop motion. Every stable person makes at home stop motion films.

hahahah. Not having to write a paper at the end is a great feeling.

[+] 1 user Likes harolde157's post
Watch YouTube videos on the around-the-house jobs you have been procrastinating from.

[+] 2 users Like Whatitis's post
Exercising , trust me when i say this , even by doing basic no equipment workouts I can see my abs are more visible and I can jump higher , trust me .  I also recommend the app home workout as it helps you stay on track and also gives really good workouts , this is what I used

as other people have mentioned, you can definitely find so many different courses on a variety of languages, skills, etc. personally, ive been dedicating myself to buying a couple pieces of gym equipment for home, and just been trying to compensate for my lack of movement at home to keep up a relatively healthy physique

Buy a dart board, it’s really fun

Learn a new skill, find something your interested in and research it on youtube etc.

learn a new skill or enhance one you already have is the best thing u could do