What are you grateful for?
Come on, it's the end of Thanksgiving. I'm grateful for the leakers! \o/

having a home - the ultimate privilege

Quote:having a home - the ultimate privilege
That's right Sara!

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Food on the table!

That someone else can cook because I surely can't.

olichan12, come on man!

Thundereder9t8y, I suck at cooking. I have a microwave, and that takes care of most of my food. I can make mac and cheese and I think that's it for the stove.

Quote:Thundereder9t8y, I suck at cooking. I have a microwave, and that takes care of most of my food. I can make mac and cheese and I think that's it for the stove.

You don't want to learn how to cook? Or simply no patience, because I get the patience thing that leads to being lazy, etc.

I just don't like how long it takes to cook things. That's my main gripe.

I am grratful for everything friend

Quote:I just don't like how long it takes to cook things. That's my main gripe.

The true monster.

>The true monster.
Aye. Five minutes of work is usually my limit. So making leftover turkey sandwiches? Gtg. Spaghetti with meat? Nope, too long. Somehow, I can make an exception for mac n cheese with tuna, but that's about it.

Quote:Aye. Five minutes of work is usually my limit. So making leftover turkey sandwiches? Gtg. Spaghetti with meat? Nope, too long. Somehow, I can make an exception for mac n cheese with tuna, but that's about it.

I want turkey sammiches now, damnit.

>I want turkey sammiches now, damnit.
I have two in front of me. Smile

for life really

Quote:I have two in front of me. Smile

Perfect, one for you and one for me.

>Perfect, one for you and one for me.
You'll prolly have to pull it out of the sewer, it came out earlier today. But I had two more today, and both were for me.

Quote:You'll prolly have to pull it out of the sewer, it came out earlier today. But I had two more today, and both were for me.
Where's mine for tomorrow?

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>Where's mine for tomorrow?
I don't have any for you. But I believe that mtf tranny that you like made some sammiches just for you.

Quote:I don't have any for you. But I believe that mtf tranny that you like made some sammiches just for you.

Are you the mtf tranny that's making the sammiches now?

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