What are your favorite sitcoms?
Mine are The Office, How I met your mother and Modern Family.

Same here. I watched the Office way more than I am proud to admit.

Seinfeld is a classic

the office - the official youtube channel has some great compilations - one of the best is all of jim's pranks on dwight

I love Seinfeld, its the ultimate sitcom for me.

The Office, How I Met Your Mother and Community

It’s always sunny in Philadelphia is my go to show if I need to laugh

Gotta go with the office

How I Met Your Mother is a classic to me

You definitely need to check out "that 70s show". For me its at least as good as friends and himym.


i like seinfeld.

The office!

everybody loves raymond and community

The Office, never worked a corporate job before but I still felt like I could relate tot he show.

i love the office. i rewatched it twice and i am thinking of starting the 3rd time. quality show!

i think everyone starts with the office lol