What are your guys opinion on games with toxic communities
I've been semi professional (challenger league) in 2 games so far, Rainbow Six Siege and Overwatch. For both of these games, I have witnessed copious amounts of circle jerking from everyone in those respective communities that are perceived as "popular". 

It's kind of amazing how those people work with each other to undermine any new and upcoming player with decent skills and basically make that specific player hated within the game, eventually cashing them to quit.

Toxic communities can completely destroy great games. Modern Warfare is one of them but I like to think that it’s getting better.

Makes me not want to play them lmao. Can ruin the experience imo.

They suck and very few games have managed to successfully mitigated it, outside of barring all communication between both sides like Hearthstone

I could never get into League because of it. Ended up quitting Overwatch partially because of it too.

I'd rather play singleplayer than deal with a toxic community

Well it depends for the most part it can turn people off to how the people are acting in the game or so. Use to play dota 2 for awhile and some people were toxic treating it like ranked mode when it clearly wasn't or so. Seeing how it could not make you not want to play the game which is why I try to play games with friends around the same skill group to at least minimize this issue.

I don't play a lot of Multiplayer games, so I can`t say for sure, but I avoid even the communities of single-player games I play. I never saw much to gain balancing the risk against the almost inherent toxicity of these communities.

But which game communities would you guys say is the least toxic?

I feel like being toxic sometimes makes it fun but all the time? Hell no

At times it can make it competitive, but can also ruin a game.

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It definitely gets worse with dying games like overwatch since all that's left are the hardcore no lifers who grief people who make even one wrong step out of place. With games like modern warfare, if you join popular lobbies like TDM, the decent random people will drown out the toxics. Unless of course you climb and the pool gets smaller/sweatier.

It just makes things not conducive for both new players and veterans alike in the long run. Things can get really bad.

I hated the toxic lol community

Pushes me away from games pretty hard. I'm sorry but "Trash talk" is not a play-style. I've called people out on it, and every single time they say it's a "strategy". No. It's almost as bad as unplugging someone's controller mid-game, and winning while they fumble to plug it back in on time. I'm starting to think all chat was a mistake to be added into competitive games. On the other hand you get toxic team mates who 90% of the time are the one's causing the loss that they are now screaming at their team over.
I'm looking your way 3/18/1 Yasuo players.

Toxic communities and trash-talking players are just hallmarks of a person lacking in integrity and sportsmanship.

I realise my views on this are rather extreme and in the past when I've operated servers I have had a rather hardline stance on these things. The vast majority of people who play games are doing it for fun/relaxation and generally having a good time. Pillocks who feel it necessary to be abusive to those they consider to be below their skill level or who are arrogant in victory really need to take a long hard look at themselves and stop acting like testosterone fuelled morons.

I stopped playing For Honor because of its community a while back, it sucks how a games community can kill a game for someone.

There is almost always bad apples in any community

well i think the toxic people are everywhere when a thing gets massive the more toxic people is on it just by numbers, but in games like fall guys you can't rlly be that much toxic in a game where just one person wins, the more oriented on a team pvp games gets  people start being shit with the others. 
I used to play lots of league of le6ends when is was in highschool, ranking to git gud, i was not allways happy or wanted to carry people talking shit to every one, the more close to medium skill is where the most toxic people are, when people are good enough to not lose an entire match by themselves, but not good enough to win by themselves eather is when the toxic people shine. 
I don´t rlly associate toxic games with their comunity the same i do with other stuff like um lets say sports, the game is not toxic by it self is the people that are toxic. 
and most of this games that comes with their toxic comunnities have also their's good ones, you can find discords,faceb00k,twitter pages of any of those games with strict rules of no toxicity that just post memes and guides all day and just chill around. 
i have to admit that pvp games with a major number of toxic players can ruin the experience or the time you play, afk,rage quit,insult,feed etc cause you invest time to play and when 1 out of 10 people or so is an asshole it doesen't matter if the other 9 people want to chill and play happy, the technical disadvantage of having 1 less player is still there and can ruin the joy of the experience. 
i do not rlly come to a major solution for making my experience with massive pvp games more enjoyable than Close chat and play with friends. so i left them while ago cause there are many many other games out there. 
Arrow Cool  have a nice day.

I feel like the report function should be taken and reviewed more seriously by mods to rly help curb the toxic players among the community. It is extremely frustrating if you end up with one or more of em in your team and end up leaving the game. This seriously needs to stop fr.

id rather play a mediocre game but with a great community

I think toxic communities are unavoidable. In challenger league, people know each other and for sure there is win trading and other toxic behavior especially when they see someone they recognize and don't like.