What are your thoughts on Apple and their recent products? Good or Bad? Boring or Not
Apple has always been a controversial topic ever since the passing of Steve Jobs. The company has soared beyond expectations financially and they make great quality products. Innovative is the adjective to describe Apple that has gotten weaker as more time passes from the death of Steve Jobs. Apple is still who the industry follows and copies in many facets, but Apple has not made an extremely innovative product for a long time. Then again, neither has any of Apples competitors. One can say that Apple has done their part and there simply isn't room for another amazingly innovative product and that the torch is passed on to whoever grabs it in the future. One thing you can't deny is Apple's continuous dominance in the industry. Competitors continue to copy and imitate Apple with product design, marketing, and business philosophy, so what is the state of Apple? Steve Jobs obviously chose Tim Cook due to his business oriented nature as opposed to product design, and Tim Cook has done a phenomenal job in that regard. Before Steve's death, he recommended Tim as the next CEO and already prepared him for the job. He also called him "not a product person" yet still wanted him to run the company. One could assume that Steve Jobs knew that putting someone who is business oriented like Tim Cook was better for Apple in the long run rather than appointing someone like Jony Ive who would drive Apple to constantly create "innovative products" which would probably lead to the downfall of Apple. Yet, people seem to still think that Steve Jobs would hate the current Apple, even though no one knows, and to assume his thoughts is silly.

Thoughts on all of this?

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I don't like Apple products. I prefer Android. So, my next product will be a new android phone.

Personally, I've always enjoyed Apple products due to their simplicity. I've favored Apple for years, so I'll likely continue that route

Not good, not bad, definitely boring.

Nothing innovative came out for the last few or ten years

Apple is too overprized in my opinion

I like Apple although I don't like their pricing policy. The new headphones are way too overpriced.

Boring as usual... they make repairability so difficult. Just for that reason. I would be better to go with other alternatives.

They make quality products but are overpriced and haven't innovated since popularizing touchscreen devices. Designing devices that require you to buy more peripherals is irritating as hell though.

I feel the same.  Android for me over Apple.  i don't like the way apple lock you in to all of their add ons.  Android is more flexible device wise though obviously has google spying on your every move.

Imo Apple products are amazing except the price.

It's been a week since I traded my iphone for an android and the difference was not so noticeable.

I've been converted to Apple. They just got. Everything is snappy and fast. All the android phones I have slowed down over the years and after 2 years are noticeably slower. My iPhone Xs is still as snappy as every.

Also used Windows all my life and recently got a macbook pro. It's just such a compete experience. Smooth OS, gesture controls are amazing, touchpad and keyboard are nice, screen is suburb. Plus the new M1 chip absolutely blows anything in Windows price range out of the water, especially considering size and package of the device

I've been converted to Apple because of their simplicity. I love that my phone just works. I had used Samsung for the longest time and thought that customization and expandable storage were amazing. But I found out the hard way that customization meant more bugs and with everything migrating to the cloud, expandable storage was no longer necessary.

Apple will only continue to get larger as they control more and more market share in the US, especially now that they have released more affordable iPhones.

I've actually never used an android phone or tablet, been with Apple for ~10 years now. For me, I appreciate the ecosystem (watch, AirPods, Mac, etc) and the stability the most. I think it really depends if you want your phone to be more like a computer on its own VS a smaller device within a larger ecosystem. TBH, I've considered switching to android a few times, just because iOS can be a little boring year after year lol.

Meh its always the same thing every year with new releases, barely any companies add any crazy new features anymore

Apple's products are so easy to pick up and understand that it's the go-to brand for every old person, but the learning curve is so steep that if something is wrong with your phone you need to buy a new one unless you're a computer engineer