What are your unpopular gaming opinions?
I'll start, I think that Halo 5 was a solid addition to the series and that the Hitman series is the most underrated in all of gaming. Hitman has some of the best level design and attention to detail of any game, yet no one seems to play it.

I personally believe that the cod stories are actually good and worth playing. I know everyone focuses on the multiplayer and zombies but I like a good story too

[+] 1 user Likes hnrblack's post
Riot Games is actually really good at making games, they managed to keep a game running successfully for over a decade

League of legends is one of the most annoying game in the wolrd

Arena shooters were the pinnacle of e-sports before that term existed.

[+] 1 user Likes harkonnenx's post
Couldn't agree more, fair starts in arena shooters put everyone on a level playing field and allow the most skilled to shine. I don't like how inconsistent games like fortnite and fifa are at the top of the competitive. Absurd amounts of money could be lost over luck-based mechanics.

Games that hit the feels are goof

Mines probably universally excepted by now, but I used to say gta 5 ruined gaming. It made so much money release day that it seems like everyone was and still is trying to release only big games, we only have like 3-5 big releases a year.

After the merger were never gonna see another truly good elder scrolls/fallout game again

Medal of honor i bwttwr than cod at least when it comes to how realistic it is