What books have you been reading during lockdown?
Fiction, non-fiction, what have you guys been reading? Any that are particularly relevant to the times we're living in now? Personally I'm reading Meditations by Aurelius

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The EU Star Wars novels, some canon stuff, Star Trek and Halo!

mark ronson books for self improvement

ive been reading house of leaves. gotta say no other book has given me such a creeping feeling of dread. i reccomend it if youre in the market for horror

I've been reading the Wraeththu series and Dante's Inferno. Book 2 is my favorite thus far.

I have been reading and really enjoying the witcher series

reading again The Lord of the Rings Wink

Supermarket and the subtle artnof not giving a fuck

“The Perfectionists” is amazing

Meant to add that it’s by Simon Winchester

I've been reading The Expanse series.

Very good hard sci-fi series with a very good TV series to go with it

I second on the Expanse, great series to read.  I am not a huge fan of the TV Show, but the books have been awesome.