What did you learn during the pandemic?
Curious on what did you guys learn

[+] 1 user Likes caesar_caesar's post
I learned how to cook.

I learned that dinosauce313 was a spy for collegeboard

I've learnt that there are even more stupid people in the world than I originally thought

i learned that i need to learn how to cook better

[+] 1 user Likes Dslg01's post
That my procrastination knows no bounds

I learned to value others

Learned how to cook, learned how to be active without leaving the house, learned that this pandemic isn't so bad and shall one day be a memory

I learned how to not waste paper towels

I learned that I waste way too much time

That our society is capable of flying to the moon, but too stupid to follow rules.

lost some pounds

cooking chickpeas leads to more chickpeas than you could possibly imagine

i learn how to keep myself fits