What do you do to pass time during the pandemic?
I tried learning different skills. How about u guys?

I finally started photography, it made the last 18 months much easier

Arrow Any like will be much much appreciated guys. Cheers ! Sick

gaming just like everyone else

Sleeping like a log

Learning a new instrument/first instrument the violin

working out

Cooking a lot more.

gaming, got back into reading more

games games and more games

I wasn't awake very much, so ...

We never really had a look down so.. yeah.. kind of jealous reading the comments. I could have been sleeping and playing video games instead of working

I read a bunch of forums online....

Read a ton lol

I picked up model making. Ive talked about it a few times if you look through my post history. Really recommend it for helping with mental clarity and health.

Sports, Guitar and reading. And i live in a flat with 3 other students which also helps. But basically distracting myself from the mental issues that got enhanced due to 'Rona.

As for me.. I'm reading, watching tv and gaming like a normal people nowadays

Reading books and manga, watching movies/series/anime, playing some mmorpg, and cycling