What do you guys think the meaning of life is?
I'm just curious to see what other people think the meaning of life as, because to be quite frank i don't even have an idea myself lol

We're just here to live, isn't that just the meaning of life? It doesn't really go far extend that, does it? I personally don't believe in the afterlife.

I would say the meaning of life to at least me is enjoying ever single moment of life and be thankful for the negatives and positive sides. Always trying to live life to the fullest and don't let all the bad things get in your way.

Well lets go at this in a logical way: The meaning of life would be something you can only do or be while alive, something that is impossible to do or be while dead. As such it cannot be anything like love or happyness or any other feeling, as we do not know if a dead person can feel something after death. It also cannot be sex, as someone could have sex with your dead body (sry for the bluntness, bit im trying to proove a point). It could be reproduction, or the continuation of live, but that would be redundant, as it wouldn't be a reason for YOU to live. So the Reason for live can only be something like making your way, living your live the way you want to i guess.
Any thoughts?

TBH, anyone who says they know is probably wrong

I think just being happy and content with life

To crush your enemies
To see them driven before you
And to hear the lamentation of the women.

And yet, we live.

You live, you die.