What do you think is the biggest issue facing the human race?
Is it covid? Climate change? Racism? Sexism? Wealth inequality? War?

I’m personally leaning towards climate change but wondering what everyone else thinks?

I'm pretty sure humanity will always be humanity's greatest enemy.

Climate change is an enormous issue that will put the survival of humanity at serious risk if not halted in the coming decades.

I think it actually is climate change. That is the only issue that can potentially cause the entire species to die.

People will always fight amongst ourselves for power, and in many ways that quest for dominance (or at least the associated fear) probably drives innovation. Look at the way that the Cold War sped up or development in aerospace as an example.

Us. Humans mess up the environment, start wars, and enslave people. Humanity will destroy itself from inner forces.

probably no water

its ironic really when people said climate change is human biggest "enemies", since the cause of climate change is humans itself