What do you think of the new Mulan? (SPOILERS)
Honestly, I think it’s pretty bad and boring. Prior to seeing the movie myself, I have friends saying it’s bad and not comparable to the animated film. I defended it by saying if you picture the new Mulan as a separate entity, it’ll probably not be that bad. 

But even when I tried to do that myself, the movie was still bad in many ways. This movie should’ve been empowering to women. But Mulan was already branded as a “chosen one” who had an strangely powerful “chi.” She never had to work to uphold her position as adequate because she was already born as a prodigy.
I don’t mind the removal of Mushu and the cricket. The directors must’ve been going for a more realistic feel. But they added a witch whom can turn into a hawk.. and a Phoenix.. might as well add Mushu and the cricket. Mushu could’ve just been a ancestry guardian in the form of a second conscience. But idk. 

I’d write more but there’s too much to say. What are your thoughts?

[+] 1 user Likes Tim Man's post
it was such a bad movie, even if not compared to the original animated movie

The original animated movie was a Disney-style musical so I don't like comparing them, the new remake is supposed to be like a Chinese wuxia flick and it sucks at that too. I only like comparing actual writing quality to the original movie, lack of comedy and songs or whatever is irrelevant

The empowering women thing was horrible because Mulan just ends up serving the emperor and her sexist country because she says "I know my duty" or whatever at the end. In the original animated film Mulan bonds with the other soldiers and learns to be manly in some ways, but uses her own smarts to overcome her issues instead of just blindly following what the military teaches. Then at the end of the movie the other guys learn how to disguise themselves with Mulan teaching them how to appear feminine and then they use her trick to climb the pillars, it was supposed to be about everybody learning to be balanced on both sides. even at the end she is totally informal and hugs the emperor instead of following tradition and rejects his offer to be a bigger part of the traditional government structure

In the remake she just blindly follows all the bullshit that limited her in the first place, her sister ends up just becoming a boring bride, and she never learns anything she just has that stupid chi plotline that makes her all-powerful it's so dumb. the witch would have been a cool character but she only shows up for like three scenes and it's not believable at all that she and Mulan have any sort of bond or similarities, there's so many problems with this movie that make it so bad and boring

[+] 1 user Likes hey ho hi's post
Definitely not a fan. The way they changed the feeling of the original kind of put me off.

Wasn't expecting much so can't say I was disappointed. The movie did suck though.

yeah i wasnt a fan, marked with controversy as well over where they filmed it and the whole china and uighurs stuff didnt look to good for it

i haven't seen any of these live action flicks...aladdin, lion king, mulan, NOTHING disney should just stop smh do something original like john carter LOL i low key liked JC tho

Only thing I liked was Donnie Yen being in it

Idk why people are hating the movie so much. I enjoyed it

I thought it was awful

This movie suffers from disney's new weird fetish of girl power can do everything. I love a good story with a strong female lead like Aliens or Kill Bill. But just like star wars, this version of mulan can do everything with little to no conflict. How am I supposed to relate or feel for this character when I know there will be no problem or danger she can't overcome. Its just basic bad story telling

The entire film is pretty much a white people's imagination of how Chinese culture would be.