What does A.I research look like?
How is A.I research conducted? Is it hundreds of mathematicians and programmers just working or are there actual experiments taking place?

If you are referring to the A.I that you hear on TV all the time like every company is saying they do, then its usually programmers doing most of the work. They may have mathematician or some other specialist working with them. Basically, their job it to take mountains of data , feed it than A.I programming languages or library to arrive at correct assertions about the data on the other end. The process of turning the knobs to help the A.I language come to the right conclusions is where the hard work is. It's ultimately the "model" that is used that gives A.I its power for specific use-case

Lets see whats in this

AI research is mostly programmers and data scientists working on improving models for specific purposes. Basically, something like Siri is constantly being improved. Researchers are looking for ways to either improve the model by adding more data, or finding ways to improve the algorithm by making it more efficient.

experiments are done on computers Smile)