What form of entertainment will replace movies in the future, if anything?
In the beginning there theater plays. Then came radio shows. Then came movies. Now we're sort of in a semi-serial-comic book/novelistic streaming binge watching mess of tons of series about nothing.

Will movies ever be replaced and if so by what? VR can't completely replace movies because it's a totally different experience (like comparing a movie to a videogame).

So will movies be around forever like books have been?

I think so. Movies and books are solidly accepted by socities worldwide as forms of entertainment, as theater has been for years. What will change is when people wake up enough to stop spending money on films and platforms and tv shows that aren't worth anything. Right now, the studios' collective strategy is to promote their junk right alongside their good stuff, which is how they get people to watch the junk. All of their junk has ulterior purposes, which is why so much of it gets made. And I'm not talking B movies, or stuff that got greenlit because an exec was high af. Movies, currently,, are not subject to survival of the fittest.

Books are the form of media that is still (mostly) the hardest thing to succeed in. We have millions of books, but only a small percentage are published each year. Good authors get something like $1/copy sold, and the publishers get more. Authors get rejected for having shit stories, so, for the most part, books are still subject to survival of the fittest.

Interestingly, "book deals" are one of the best ways to send bribe money to someone. When someone gets a massive advance on a book deal (millions in USD), unless they're a highly-regarded author (the late Tom Clancy, for example), it's generally bribe money. Current exampls of this include the current Governor of New York State, and Hunter Biden, current favorite son of U.S. President Joe Bid(e)n. This is one of the exceptions to the rule that books are still subject to survival of the fittest.

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Quote:I think so. Movies and books are solidly accepted by socities worldwide as forms of entertainment, as theater has been for years. What will change is when people wake up enough to stop spending money on films and platforms and tv shows that aren't worth anything. Right now, the studios' collective strategy is to promote their junk right alongside their good stuff, which is how they get people to watch the junk. All of their junk has ulterior purposes, which is why so much of it gets made. And I'm not talking B movies, or stuff that got greenlit because an exec was high af. Movies, currently,, are not subject to survival of the fittest.

Books are the form of media that is still (mostly) the hardest thing to succeed in. We have millions of books, but only a small percentage are published each year.

Books are slightly changed with kindles and other ebook readers but they do remain largely the same as they have for hundreds of years. I think the one major difference is that while there are a lot of books, they are not all published by the large publishers and the ones that are published and promoted are usually good quality. Right now, companies like Netflix are trying to play the role of large publisher and distributor as well as indie and grassroots publisher and distributor. So quality is no longer a criteria, it's quantity.

I hope that changes in the future and I hope people will be interested in movies again instead of binge watching series.

VR experiences. You are the movie.
Writers in the future only need a basic premise to get the story started.

Movies will never disappear. Movies started being made basically as soon as film camera technology made it feasible. And we've been making them ever since. As long as they keep making money they will never die. Even if they somehow did cease to be profitable people would still make movies as a form of artistic expression. It's essentially storytelling - and humans have been telling each other stories for at least 50,000 years.

games are doing it already. games tell story and shit . but i do think anime is good competitor and kidna will strike it

I dont think there Will be som new media outlet that Will replace movies. Perhaps complement what it lacka, suck as viewer participance. As you guys have already mentorer VR could plan a part in this

Movies will be around forever in my eyes. Books are still around even with movies. Of course, new entertainment will grow along side it such as video games and vr stuff.

Hypothetically if humans were able to extract images from our imaginations, and maybe transfer those information on VR, I can see this being a thing, no matter how crazy and outlandish this sounds