What game disappointed you the most after release?
Following the recent launch of the buggy mess that is Cyberpunk, what are some games you guys were severly dissapointed by when they were released ?

Destiny 2. It felt good for a bit, but then it got really stale after a few weeks. Just not enough variation in the content. I know that’s changed with new seasons, but I’m just not interested anymore.

As cyberpunk on the last gen console you can really forget, but the most disappointing has Ghost Recon - Breakpoint was probably too much hyped.

Torchlight 3, disappointed me just as much as Diablo 3

Diablo 3. The real money auction house at the time, and the lackluster gameplay was just so meh. Even now I got back from time to time but I can't play for more than a day or two before I don't really enjoy it anymore.

Last of us 2 , the game play was dope but i didn’t like how the game ended Sad . Also, i didn’t like how they made Joel so dumb to trust foreigners after surviving for many years in that cursed world ?! Like he should be more experienced now not the other way around

I would agree with this post honestly. Very insightful!

Mass Effect Andromeda hands down my worst gaming experience