What games are you looking forward for this year?
What do you guys hope to see at E3 this year? I hope to see more of elder scrolls 6 and hope to see new games. what about you guys?

[+] 1 user Likes brohamster21's post
Hopefully we hear about Paper Mario Thousand Year Door remake for the switch.

It was the animal crossing game, but now there really isn't anything on my radar

[+] 1 user Likes SplashOfBlueberry's post
Now that dooms out I'm pretty much sorted

[+] 1 user Likes thisoneiguess's post
Elder Scrolls 6 info would be great.

[+] 1 user Likes desamorix's post
Provided they don't get delayed any further, Vampire 2 and Cyberpunk are the 2 big ones for me left this year (:

[+] 1 user Likes KyaraKins's post
Mount and Blade Bannerlord. Warband is one of my top 3 favorite games of all time, and it's really the only game I'd say I'm truly excited for

I am looking forward to Elder Scolls 6!

final fantasy 7 remake hands down, other than that maybe cyberpunk 2077 if it turns out good

cyberpunk... the hype is real.. which is bad becuase you have expectations...which leads to potential dissapointment

[+] 1 user Likes jasonmack's post
def ff7 looks good

FF7 remake and cyberpunk look like a lot of fun! last of us 2 got delayed i heard Sad

Cyberpunk is about to be a wet firecracker.. I fear.

I'm not a big fan of recent games...

Mafia: Definitive Edition, better give it a shot!