What games do you like?
Tell me what games do you like? I like Witcher games and Mass Effect and Fallout and Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age games for example.  Cool At

Honestly, I'm more into Survival Horror games (Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Left 4 Dead, Bio Shock). But I'll get down on first person shooter, sport games, RPG, and old school N64 games.

Fallout & Elderscrolls are good, i like any good RPG

Sooo many games like Cs go cod cold wat I’m more into multiplayer games

Assassins creed, RPG in general. Just started death stranding, like it.

The Legend of Zelda is an amazing series! And Metal Gear Solid!

Starting to play more story games. Use to play alot of fps but it started getting boring for me.

i've just played Skyrim, are the other elder scrolls worth it? i need to say that i sstarted playing it because it has dragons on it, lol; form nintendo, the classic one, Zelda Series; Mario Strikers, but only for GC; xbox have some good ones like "Dishonored" and Castle Crashers Smile

If you like old school strategy games Majesty is a game you could spend hours on

Oblivion is a bit rough but still a good game, with mods can be a beautiful game, same with morrowind

well-made open-world games

Quick paced action shooters are pretty great like quake. My favorite game was tribes ascend but the devs killed it.

RPG games, all I want when I bought a PS4 is to play GoW. Now I’m more into Assassin’s Creed series