What games have you played recently because of nostalgia
There’s a lot of games out now that are somewhat enjoyable, but they don’t give you that same type of feeling with older games. I played this week bo2, bo3, ray man, and some older 2k games. These games really make you realize how much has changed through gaming, but at the same time, what hasn’t changed (them being fun). So what games have you played recently for nostalgia, or any game that makes you remember the past a bit more.

[+] 1 user Likes James Guabber's post
I wish I could play mw3 again I dream about tht game on the daily

final fantasy 1

The Final Fantasy 9 port on the Nintendo Switch. One of my favorite games of all time.

Wind Waker on an emulator.

I was suprised how well it was working, tried it a few year ago and it ran like a slideshow.
Gonna start TP soon I think this ones a bit better.

I tend to play a lot of games that now have randomizers, like A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, and Pokemon Fire Red. Gives you a way to enjoy the game with new details to old elements of gameplay. Lots of fun, and a great way to scratch the nostalgia itch IMO.

Time Splitters 3 on an emulator, a few months ago. Most for Jo Beth. It was nice having a time when you could see a character wear the word "slut" on their tshirt, for a while atleast. Fun-ish game overall though, good times.

I love playing stuff like path of diablo

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Team Fortress 2

Viewtiful Joe, so fun, weird and unique

Doom 1.
(Im not a boomer, I first played it back when it came with the Doom 3 BFG edition on ps3)

Haven't had the chance due to school and procrastination but I will probably go back to Old School Runescape, maybe even Maplestory

Luv a game of C&C old skool but first COD games are best. Cool Arrow