What hobbies do you enjoy these days?
I don't have any hobbies to enjoy these days because I can't do it outside because of Corona, and what I can do at home is more limited than what I can do outside. 
What hobbies have you been enjoying lately?

I've recently picked up reading which I haven't had time to do since highschool. Also, started playing an MMO. between the two, my time is plenty filled

Playing video games and listening to music, sometimes I go out for a walk but of course I miss playing volleyball or soccer

Play game and get depress

Recently reading helps stimulate my mind and keeps me busy for a few hours

Exercising such as jogging and biking, games, and sometimes swimming.

Exercise and food

Gardening, Running , Swimming and drawing and trying new things.

Have always been into Gaming and Anime, been running some D&D games for my cousin and his kid though and they are really getting into it. I have always enjoyed playing D&D but first time really DMing and its been fun.

Oil painting here. For folks talking about being depressed, try something where you actually create something (art/music/crafts/cooking). I really like video games, but I find when I do that instead of creative stuff, I feel more depressed.

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