What is something crazy popular that you have no interest in?
People not believing in vaccines but believing in magic crystals.

Anime / manga

Crypto and meme stocks. They're just too volatile. Im all about that index fund life.

Let's see...
>boy bands
>being woke
>the fake drama known as politics
>World of Warcraft
>League of Legends
>thots irl
>giving money to thots on OF/MV
>being an experimental crash test dummy for big pharma
>spending money on that too
>being cucked
>even if it is for porn

Quote: People not believing in vaccines but believing in magic crystals.
Fair enough. But remember that the ancients had technology that relied on electromagentism and non-harmful radioactive properties. The whole "magic" crystals thing is a legit branch of that tech. The problem is that modern humans are not implementing that technology correctly, nor do they have the original equipment that was required to utilize said properties of said crystals. Then again, TPTB would never let us plebians have access to that technology.

Football. I used to be interested in it but not anymore

Marvel movies

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I second the marvel movies