What is the baseline standard PC specs to run FPS/high-performance games at 200+ fps?
Planning to build a new PC soon. I want good parts that won't let me down when I'm playing games, but I also don't want to overspend and keep it as cheap as possible...

Pc games can be expensive so be careful about that.

Depends on the games, 200+ fps is extremely difficult to hit in most games even with top of the line hardware. The only titles you'll have any luck hitting those frames are esports titles.

It's hard to maintain 200fps . As new hardware comes out that can run older titles at good fps while maxed out, new titles will be made with new hardware in mind hence, running new games on new stuff on 200fps will always be a fools errand.
Unless u play on 1080, then i guess it's achievable.

You should think about whether you really need/want 200+ fps on your games or not. I think that after 144 fps or so, the difference gets really hard to notice and at that point it's not worth the research and money spent.
Especially if you're trying to avoid overspending, this is something to consider.

i think you need at least rtx 3070 in high perform setting

what kind of resolution do you want to play at? you don't need anything too crazy for 1080p 200fps