What is the best programming language?
What is your opinion the best programming language? Both for beginners and good ones in this.
I also mean a language that is as easy to learn and writing. Please, share your thoughts!

I would probably say javascript. It's really easy to learn and very versatile. The whole web basically runs on it and because it is so popular you can use it write mobile apps, servers, and basically anything else you want. After you learn it you will get the basics of programming and you can more languages and then you will be able to use the best language for the job rather than arguing with people why your language is the best. Any language that evolves and has a large community that will use it to build things can be considered the best. As long as you can build cool stuff and share it with people and learn you are good to go.

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I gather that Python is good for beginners, personally I started on BASIC but that was 30 years ago!

For real applications, I think C/C++ are still the best option, possibly Java depending on where you're going. The thing about Java and C++ is that they're quite similar in many ways but different in others, so if you've learned one, it's not too difficult to pick up the other.

If you want to be functional and write websites, programs, bots, servers, javascript. If you want to be hypothetical pyhton is really good at processing.

My suggestion learn them both