What is the dumbest thing you have done to try to get laid?
What is the dumbest thing you have done to try to get laid? I once helped this chick move when I was really busy with other stuff I should have prioritized. I didnt get laid but I learned that if she wants to fuck you then she will fuck you and you do not need to spend an afternoon moving boxes and heavy shit first to get in.

Pretend to be disabled on one leg

idk i havnt been laid yet, ill check with u after friday with this new date

claimed i was experienced when i was a virgin, got her expectations up and then fucked it up. the visible disappointment in her face was crushing.

Did all the electrical work on their place for free and paid for all the materials used. Didn't really have the money to do it but of course couldn't tell her that. After that she went pretty cold and obviously was just happy to have the work done.

pretend i was religious