What is the first video game you ever played?
Mine was Super Mario 64. I had so much fun with it and it is in my top 3 N64 games next to Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask.

[+] 1 user Likes Johhnydi's post
I started playing nes and snes emu on my father's pc at the time, eventually he bought a ps1 for me. I remember Super mario world, Mortal kombat and street fighter

I think it was Terry's big on C64.

Counter strike 1.6

[+] 1 user Likes SplashOfBlueberry's post
My first game was Super Mario Sunshine on GameCube. I also loved Mario Kart Double Dash!

Tetris on... I don't remember

It was this side scroller on an old windows!
You played as a pirate cat and it was awesome, its called Claw
Good if you're into retro vibes, it was a 1997 game
After that I got a N64 and played a lot of Pokemon Stadium before moving on to Zelda OoT which was definitely the one that got me into gaming

SW battlefront

commando drop

Chrono Trigger on SNES emulator. My first game ever happens to be one of the best RPG ever made. Needless to say, i was mesmerized by the game. I played it like 5 times.

Super Mario 64 as well

Spyro 2. Still one of my favorites ever, got the remastered for PS4 last year

mine was metin2 and i still play this game

Super Mario on the SNES

Quote:first thing i remember playing was crash bandicoot on the PS1
first thing i remember playing was crash bandicoot on the PS1

[+] 1 user Likes kimmyboy23's post
I think that would probably be Simpson’s hit and run on game boy. Or maybe mario

Super Mario Bros 3 way back when.

Actually it may have been the first Super Mario Bros.  Either way, they were my childhood.

Mario on the first nintendo then Sonic on the mega drive Smile

The first game I played was Age of Empires. I was interested in Age of Empires: Definitive Edition when it came out, but it was a Windows Store exclusive at launch, so I found my old disc and it installed and ran on Windows 10, I just needed to install a mod to make it widescreen.