What is the most penny pinching thing you ever did?
During college I was so poor I'd take the extra toilet paper rolls from restrooms at my university. When I was working serving shifts in my mid 20's I *definitely* took home people's leftovers. I mean, yeah, you can argue it's "unhygienic" or that you could get sick, but the risk to benefit ratio skewed highly in my favour, especially considering how good the food was. I wouldn't take scraps, but you'd be shocked at how many people will order entire plates of food and barely touch it. I ate like a king every work day, and often had leftovers for lunch. No regrets. Never got sick. Just had to avoid the manager seeing.

With the current pandemic, I'm syphoning face masks from my office like nobody's business. It's supposed to be 1 mask per staff per day, but since office capacity has been reduced to 30%, and a lot of people are using their own, I took the most logical move and kept all the spare masks I could for my own.

Refusing to buy drinks or snacks at a convenience store when i have both of those things at home.

Back in hs I was on a verry difficult situation. I used to buy a single piece of bread for cents on the dolar, share it with a friend, and fill myself with water from the school water fountain.

walking instead or riding the bus

Not the biggest deal, but eating nothing but soup for a month. Saved so much moneu

Fast and not eat to save enough money for school and investments