What is the one sport no matter how much you try you cannot get into?
My grandfather loves cricket, and no matter how many times i watch it with him the game bores me to tears and i end up falling asleep. The same with tennis.

does any one else find this?

What sports can you not get into no matter how hard you try?

Probably american football, don't understand shit about it

Cricket honestly, my dad really likes it but I never really enjoyed it

I was the same for the longest time with the NFL, but when it clicked i was hooked.

was never a fan of baseball honestly
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I can't get into soccer/futbol as find the lower scoring sports boring. I think if I played soccer and liked it I could watch soccer but otherwise soccer to me is just too boring I want see the exciting aspects scoring which why I like basketball I like the fast pace natur of the game it makes it seem like everyone on the team is contributing in some way rather just running around on defense and offense all game

Most of the "rich people" sports like Polo will never appeal to me. It's too bougie.

I never understood how they class that as a sport, the person doesnt do anything athletic, the horse does all the running

Baseball tbh

Oh my freakin soccer is terrible