What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
In my case, it would have to be a deep fried mars bar. I don't know why the people here like to deepfry some candy, but that is very strange.

What about you?

The weirdest thing I've consumed was more of a drink really.

Christmas party of 8th grade, I mixed in Coke, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Fanta, chocolate milk, ketchup, and some kind of broth that I don't remember in a cup. Kinda weird how I didn't get the runs that day but if I eat some extra spicy stuff its a highway to hell in the bathroom.

The strangest thing I've ever eaten would have to be dried mealworms prepared as crisps with bacon flavor! I guess soon eating insects will probably become more mainstream as they're a great source of protein.

I had some Kangaroo jerky. Terribly odd sweet taste, wouldn’t recommend.

An albino squid that was alive when I was in South Korea.

Weirdest thing was paper.

I don't eat bad things

I had that swedish shark shit once, i didnt swallow it though that shit was gross

Peanutbutter and cheese on a boiled egg

cow testicles never again

fried crickets, it was not bad

I was gonna say snails but after reading the other comments I really can’t compete

Grooling Teeny pussy...