What is your Dream Job?
What job would you love to have, to work for the rest of your life and why specifically that one. Having a dream job is great then you don't have to struggle with choosing a studycourse and/or choosing a specific school for that studycourse.

Mine is Game Graphics Production. I just like to be creative and being creative in a video game industry I can go wild with designing the characters, items, etc.

I would 100% be a musician


Been rich....... Entrepreneur

CEO or investment

As much flac as users give them for it, Google might have the right idea in continually making and abandoning services. Making new things is fun for me, but maintaining legacy code is painful. All of the former and none of the latter would be a decent job.

Honestly I would like to be a CS:GO pro player, but that will never happen. Market too saturated with other players and making it into the big leagues is so difficult that I don't see it possible

Honestly, and I may sound crazy for saying this, a doctor. This pandemic has made me jealous of the amount of dexterity, energy, and power it takes to work in the medical field.

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Astronaut, for sure, since I was a little kid

Building robots and having a company that builds robots

Film director, but indie, with big budget... Keep I dreaming!

don't really have one.


General manager of a mlb team. Would be really cool to be able to assemble a team and see if I can build a winner.

make money sleeping!