What is your crazy phobia?
I always get freaked out by tiny holes (trypophobia) and i don't know why. It just makes me cringe inside. What  are you guys crazy phobias?

I wouldn't say crazy but I have a strange fear of heights.

I've always been fine on a plane never had any fears there, but what I do consider strange is for myself anyway...

I can't look up at the sky, I have a real bad fear of thinking I will get pulled up and I have no idea why, growing up and going to things like firework displays I could never look up due to the fear, even my legs start to become a little weak due to the change of how I'm feeling. It's so weird!

claustrophobia. really hate confined spaces  Confused

I have a phobia about big open places (agoraphobia) like squadra and oceans

I’m scared of puppets