What is your earliest memory?
My first memory was of me almost getting hit by a truck while playing in the streets with my cousins. This happened in a narrow street where only one vehicle can pass at a time. Apparently, we went to the side of the road to not get in the way of the truck. All of them went to the right side of the street and I was the only one on the left side. For some stupid reason, my mind went 'I don't want to be alone I wanna get on the right side too' while the truck was about 3 meters away from us. Thankfully the truck was not moving that fast since the path is really narrow.

How about you guys? What is the earliest memory you can remember?

Dribbling a basketball with my dad on the balcony of our apartment. Whenever I mention to my parents that I remember it, they are surprised because I would've been 3 years old.

Me riding my tricycle on the schoolyard. Its a nice memory, but I dont know if its constructed over time

I think mine is waking up late on a sunday and it being overcast/rainy outside

I've been thinking about this for the last few days. Don't know why. But my first memory is something that I can't post.

My first memory goes back to my first few week of kindergarten, I was taking a nap while Beethoven was playing in the background

Arrow Any like will be much much appreciated guys. Cheers ! Sick

Probably lunch time in kindergarten. Good times

I can’t really remember anything up in to my youth except when I was around 2-3 crawling

Learning to ride a bike

I was younger than 3 years when i jumped down a couple of stone stairs in our house back then. Got quite some injuries while my dad and my god father where getting drunk in the kitchen. Mum was not amused. Maybe thats the reason i like getting stoned.