What is your favorite text editor and why?
Just wondering what everyones favorite text editor is and why? Mine is Sublime Text. Convince me to change...

Notepad++ because it's free, fast and very customizable

I would say my favorite text editor has to be the Notepad ++ because it just adds so many functions the default notepad doesn't have.

It's really nice to use and super sleek.

It does look  a bit old tho but i think it's good enough.

notepad++ on windows
geany on linux

i use sublime text - it's the best i've found so far. If you're using notepad++ you really need to up your game!

NP++ for smaller scripts that I just want to hack together, VSCode for slightly bigger programs. Not sure why...

Notepad++ because it's free and lughtweight

VS Code all the way

VSCode is amazing imo

I use Vim, super lightweight and fast, takes a bit of getting used to, but when you do it's amazing!

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vi for fast correction.
VS Code for soft code.
PHPStorm (and other jetbrains ide) when i make big projects

Notepad++ works very well

I like GNU Emacs. Although it is not easy to use and requires lots of setup it becomes very useful and can do just about anything. It is highly customizable because it has a full programming language (Emacs LISP) available for configuration and add-ons.

Nano for remote work, Sublime for local work does well for me. I get the appeal of emacs but I'd rather have my OS act as an OS and text editor act as a text editor than merge the two tbh

Notepad++. I love how I can have a bunch of tabs open at once in the same window and it'll preserve them for me across reboots or if I happen to close the program. I also like that it'll warn me if the original source file has been removed in case I want to save another copy from its stored data. Bonus points for helpful tab behavior and paren matching.

All that said, apparently I should look into sublime text. If it's even better I should upgrade.

It has got to be VSCode. It's fast and have all the features you would want. And LiveShare plugin is cool to use if you are multiple people coding.

Atom/Sublime/VSCode as editor.

Anything from the Jetbrains suite as IDE, depending on the programming language.