What is your favorite way to cook a steak?
I have usually went with a reverse sear for thick cuts and occasionally pan sear. Some people I know swear by the grill and I heard that sous vide turns out pretty good.
What are your thoughts?

Pan sear for sure.

I find it much easier to control the heat and timing vs the grill or air fryer. You can also better improve the flavor by basting the steak with your butter mixed with herbs and vegetables.

Butter + Parsley + Rosemary + Garlic

Sous Vide then pan sear with butter- sous vide does need to be set going way before you want it though.

I agree with you that reverse sear is a pretty darn good way to cook a steak. Sous vide is also pretty nice, but it turns out grey and needs to be seared afterwards

aye pretty much however you cook a steak it needs searing

Pan sear with garlic butter

Sous vide at 135F for rib eye for the intramuscular fat to dissolve correctly and then a quick sear over a charcoal grill. 130F for other less fatty cuts.

Grill it and well done

just throw it on the pan and get it to medium rare however, steak is always good

Smoke and reverse sear, but it's more about which cut