What kind of phone was your first cell phone?
Mine was a blocky windows phone my freshman year in high school. It still surprises me how some parents give kids in 1st or 2nd grade their own phones. At that age, a kid doesn’t really need a phone.

samsumg galaxy mini

Samsung note 2

Had that original unbreakable Nokia. Gotta say it was quite a beast.

I got my first phone during my junior highschool times. It was an old Nokia phone, forgot the series name tho

One of those tanks that Nokia built. You know, the ones that are as small as a 37mm cannon, but pack a punch like an 88, and never die no matter how you abuse it.

Mine was a Blackberry, but im not exactly sure wich one.

Block blue Nokia. Had the one with the antenna for a few weeks then got sweet upgrade to one with no antenna that was2/3 the size for Christmas.

Landline with da cord

Sony Ericson ftw!

[+] 1 user Likes Nr_1226's post
I only remember having Samsung Sidekick, but before that I had a Motorola or something but don't remember the brand. I do remember loving my Sidekick, such a nifty phone. Tactile keypads please.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Ahhh I always remember it, it was a Nokia 3310 the best phone ever made !!!

[+] 1 user Likes FSDee League's post
iPhone 4 iirc

Mine was an old school Sidekick.

sony ericsson somthing

mine was an acer phone

Motorola PT-55

very blocky phone. good old technology

Actually lucky enough to get my dad's old IPhone 3gs when he upgraded to a 4. The irony is that I just left it in my bag and hardly ever used, answered, or had it on my person for the first 6 months or so and now I always have my phone with me.

A Samsung. i can't even recall the model now.