What netflix series do you recommend?
So, I'm the type of guy that likes zombies and things like 13 reasons XD (but only realistic).
I've watched many things on netflix, I'll say what i watched from my favourite one to least favourite.
(Up = better, lower = worse)
The 100,
13 Reasons,
Sex Education,
Stranger Things,
The Rain,

Do you have any to recommend i should watch next when im waiting for new seasons for those above?

edit1: Thanks for all the propositions.
I've watched the following series thanks to you!
- The Order,
- The umbrella academy.

My list that I should watch: (for now)
- Riverdale,
- Orange is The new black, 
- House of Cards,
- The Magicians,
- Godless,
- Narcos

Breaking Bad for sure

You should watch Fargo or Better Call Saul.

the witcher is also good

Stranger things abd narcos