What platform do you find yourself on the most as a viewer?
Growing up it was always youtube for everything, but now I find myself more into twitch for regular entertainment. Netflix usually for movies/tv shows. Youtube is more for tutorials on how to do things now.

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I don't really have a favorite, I pick between Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube depending on who has what and what I'm currently in the mood for. I do seem to use Hulu less often though. Maybe I prefer red over green, lol.

Youtube, then Netflix, with a bit of twitch.

Mostly Youtube with a dash of Netflix and Disney+

Netflix for watching things with family but definitely YouTube/Twitch for anything I have on during the day when working, etc. I usually have some kind of game streaming on in the background.

Mostly YouTube. Mainly because I watch while working.

for me it's prolly pornhub

youtube but eventually i just start watching the same videos over and over

YouTube mostly.. the recommendations keep coming and I keep watching

Youtube forever. Even though sometimes they have questionable policies and bs video removals.